Cut nyak dien is a female hero figure from aceh west who got the nickname srikandi Indonesia. Cut nyak dien son of teuku nan faithful. His mother was a noble boy from lampar. His brother is called teuku folk. Cut
nyak dien was born in 1848. THE EARLY ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MOUNTAIN OF
DAY 4 JUNE 1873 The first cut-me-down husband of the dien was teuku
Ibrahim from lamnga, son of teuku abas. And gifted with a girl then named cut gambang. Husband cut dien shot by the Dutch. Cut nyak dien married again with warlord named teuku umar. Teuku umar was also shot by Dutch on 11 February 1899 at the end of malaboh. On November 6, 1905, a cut dien caught by the Dutch. At that time eye cut dien in a state of not seeing (blind). On 11 December 1906 was discharged to seumedang with the commander and a 15-year-old boy. At the time of the Dutch governor general. Time regent sumedang prince solar aria atmaja For merawa cut nyen dien prince surya atmaja handed cut diant to K.H Sanusi. At that time his house was small. After one year caring for 1 year K.H Sanusi died in 1967 and was buried in pied mountain sumedang. Then cut dien diant taken care by K.H sanusi child is H.Husna. All the interests of cut dien very much noticed prince aria suriiatmaja. Waloupun
eye cut nyen dien not see but cut dien can teach mothers mengaji, then
cut nyak dien in nickname mother mother / mother queen community. Cut nyak dien very close to siti khodijah (son of H. Husna). In 1967 siti khodijah died and was buried in a mountain quail. After the cut dien died 1908 teuku nana stay in sumedang. And married to a cipada named iyoh and has three children 1. Maskun 2. Ninih 3. Sahria. And in 1930 teuku nana, his wife and son went home to aceh and did not return. Home cuts former diant sized 12 x14 m. Height
1m, bedroom 3 x 5m, bed size 2 x 2m, Then in 1962 Rd oemar Sumantri,
child siti khodijah member permit for a simple ceremony commemorate
service cut dien in 1972 grave cut diak renovated by bustanil arifin. In 2008 stood KAMAS (Acehnese community) Ir rusdi abdul thalib as chairman and cooperation with local government sumedang. If
you want to know more history CUT NJA DIEN dating only to the tomb of
the mountain quail, because there is a grave CUT NJA DIEN, then ask the
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